## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ──
## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.3     ✓ purrr   0.3.4
## ✓ tibble  3.0.5     ✓ dplyr   1.0.3
## ✓ tidyr   1.1.2     ✓ stringr 1.4.0
## ✓ readr   1.4.0     ✓ forcats 0.5.0
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## x dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
work.dir ="~/Downloads/hapmap/"
## qqunif function

*What’s the population composition?**

popinfo = read_tsv(paste0(work.dir,"relationships_w_pops_051208.txt"))
popinfo %>% count(population)
samdata = read_tsv(paste0(work.dir,"phase3_corrected.psam"),guess_max = 2500) 
superpop = samdata %>% select(SuperPop,Population) %>% unique()
superpop = rbind(superpop, data.frame(SuperPop=c("EAS","HIS","AFR"),Population=c("CHD","MEX","MKK")))

Effect of population structure in Hardy Weinberg

## what happens if we calculate HWE with this mixed population?
system(glue::glue("~/bin/plink --bfile {work.dir}hapmapch22 --hardy --out {work.dir}output/allhwe"))
allhwe = read.table(glue::glue("{work.dir}output/allhwe.hwe"),header=TRUE,
qqunif(allhwe$P,main='HWE HapMap3 All Pop')

What if we calculate with single population?

pop = "CHB"
pop = "CEU"
pop = "YRI"
for(pop in c("CHB","CEU","YRI"))
  ## what if we calculate with single population?
  popinfo %>% filter(population==pop) %>%
    write_tsv(path=glue::glue("{work.dir}{pop}.fam") )
  system(glue::glue("~/bin/plink --bfile {work.dir}hapmapch22 --hardy --keep {work.dir}{pop}.fam --out {work.dir}output/hwe-{pop}"))
  pophwe = read.table(glue::glue("{work.dir}output/hwe-{pop}.hwe"),header=TRUE,
  hist(pophwe$P,main=glue::glue("HWE {pop} and founders only"))
  qqunif(pophwe$P,main=glue::glue("HWE {pop} and founders only"))
## not much difference when --nonfounders option is added

What if we add non founders? Some of the samples in HapMap were recruited from families.

## what if we add nonfounders?
system(glue::glue("~/bin/plink --bfile {work.dir}hapmapch22 --hardy --keep {work.dir}CEU.fam --nonfounders --out {work.dir}output/CEUhwe_nf"))
CEUhwe_nf = read.table(glue::glue("{work.dir}output/CEUhwe_nf.hwe"),header=TRUE,
hist(CEUhwe_nf$P,main="HWE CEU + non founders")
qqunif(CEUhwe_nf$P,main="HWE CEU + non founders")
qqplot(-log10(CEUhwe_nf$P),-log10(CEUhwe_nf$P),main="all vs founders only" );abline(0,1) 

GWAS on a growth phenotype in HapMap samples

## read igrowth
igrowth = read_tsv("")
## fix FID from igrowth file
igrowth = popinfo %>% select(-pheno) %>% inner_join(igrowth %>% select(IID,growth), by=c("IID"="IID"))
igrowth %>% ggplot(aes(population,growth)) + geom_violin(aes(fill=population)) + geom_boxplot(width=0.2,col='black',fill='gray',alpha=.8) + theme_bw(base_size = 15)
summary( lm(growth~population,data=igrowth) )
system(glue::glue("~/bin/plink --bfile {work.dir}hapmapch22 --linear --pheno {work.dir}igrowth.pheno --pheno-name growth --maf 0.05 --out {work.dir}output/igrowth"))
igrowth.assoc = read.table(glue::glue("{work.dir}output/igrowth.assoc.linear"),header=T,
## install.packages("qqman")
manhattan(igrowth.assoc, chr="CHR", bp="BP", snp="SNP", p="P" )

Simulate phenotype

set.seed(10) ## to get the same simulated values each time
simpheno = popinfo %>% mutate(pheno=rnorm(nrow(popinfo)))
write_tsv(simpheno, path=glue::glue("{work.dir}sim.pheno"))
## run association with plink
system(glue::glue("~/bin/plink --bfile {work.dir}hapmapch22 --linear --pheno {work.dir}sim.pheno --pheno-name pheno --maf 0.05 --out {work.dir}output/simpheno") )
simpheno.assoc = read.table(glue::glue("{work.dir}output/simpheno.assoc.linear"),header=T,
manhattan(simpheno.assoc, chr="CHR", bp="BP", snp="SNP", p="P" )

PCA calculation using plink

## generate PCs using plink
system(glue::glue("~/bin/plink --bfile {work.dir}hapmapch22 --pca --out {work.dir}output/pca"))
## read plink calculated PCs
pcplink = read.table(glue::glue("{work.dir}output/pca.eigenvec"),header=F,
names(pcplink) = c("FID","IID",paste0("PC", c(1:(ncol(pcplink)-2))) )
pcplink = popinfo %>% left_join(superpop,by=c("population"="Population")) %>% inner_join(pcplink, by=c("FID"="FID", "IID"="IID"))
## plot PC1 vs PC2
pcplink %>% ggplot(aes(PC1,PC2,col=population,shape=SuperPop)) + geom_point(size=3,alpha=.7) + theme_bw(base_size = 15)
manhattan(simpheno.assoc, chr="CHR", bp="BP", snp="SNP", p="P" ,main="Simulated Phenotype")

runnig igrowth GWAS using PCs

system(glue::glue("~/bin/plink --bfile {work.dir}hapmapch22 --linear --pheno {work.dir}igrowth.pheno --pheno-name growth --covar {work.dir}output/pca.eigenvec --covar-number 1-4 --hide-covar --maf 0.05 --out {work.dir}output/igrowth-adjPC"))
igrowth.adjusted.assoc = read.table(glue::glue("{work.dir}output/igrowth-adjPC.assoc.linear"),header=T,
##indadd = igrowth.adjusted.assoc$TEST=="ADD"
titulo = "igrowh association adjusted for PCs"

calculate Zscores

genomic.control = function(pvec)
 z = qnorm(pvec / 2)
 lambda = round(median(z^2) / 0.4549, 3)


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For attribution, please cite this work as

R package build (2021). L6-population-structure. BIOS 25328 Cancer Genomics Class Notes. /post/2021/02/18/l6-population-structure/

BibTeX citation

  title = "L6-population-structure",
  author = "R package build",
  year = "2021",
  journal = "BIOS 25328 Cancer Genomics Class Notes",
  note = "/post/2021/02/18/l6-population-structure/"