LD score
work.dir ="~/Downloads/ldscore/"
ld score regression
## read ld-score in chr 22 calculated by Yanyu Liang using the GTEx V8 SNP set
ldscore = read.table(paste0(work.dir,"chr22.l2.ldscore.gz"),header=T,as.is=T)
## plot ldscore to get a sense of variability
hist(ldscore$L2,xlab="LD Score" , main ="Histogram of LD score")
plot(ldscore$BP, ldscore$L2,xlab="Chr 22 Position",ylab="LD Score", main = "LD Score across chr 22")
ind = 1:5000; ind = ind + 10000;plot(ldscore$BP[ind], ldscore$L2[ind],xlab="Chr 22 Position",ylab="LD Score")
## read GWAS result for height from the GIANT consortium (chr22 only)
giant = read.table(paste0(work.dir,"gwas_giant_chr22.txt"),header=T, as.is=T)
names(giant) = c("variant_id", "panel_variant_id", "chromosome", "position", "effect_allele", "non_effect_allele", "frequency", "pvalue", "zscore", "effect_size", "standard_error", "sample_size", "n_cases")
tempo = inner_join(giant,ldscore,by=c("panel_variant_id"="SNP") )
## plot Chi2 vs LD score
plot(tempo$zscore^2~ tempo$L2)
ggplot(tempo, aes(L2, zscore^2)) + geom_point(alpha=0.5,size=3) +geom_smooth(method="lm")
fit = lm(tempo$zscore^2~ tempo$L2)