
Lecture 8 - Functional Genomics to Inform GWAS

2022-04-20 Haky Im
𝕙ttps:// […] See slides Read more →

Lecture 7 - Predicting Complex Diseases - PRS

2022-04-18 Haky Im
𝕙ttps:// […] See slides Read more →

Homework 3

2022-04-15 Haky Im
𝔸ssignment […] See below for additional information on the assignment. Links […] Lecture 5 […] Lecture 6 … Read more →

Calculate Z-score, P-value, Chi2 stat from GWAS

2022-04-13 Haky Im
\[Y = \beta \cdot X + \epsilon\] GWAS summary statistics will contain an estimate of the regression coefficient \(\hat\beta\) and its standard error \(\text{se}(\hat\beta)\) for each SNP in the GWAS. We distinguish the true \(\beta\) from the estimated value \(\hat\beta\) using a hat. […] \[ … Read more →


2022-04-13 Margaret Perry
𝕋his Lab will cover the quality batch portion of the QC and will be using the 1_Main_scripts_QC_GWAS.txt from Marees et al A tutorial on conducting genome‐wide association studies: Quality control and statistical analysis. […] We will follow the tutorial published here by Marees et al A … Read more →

Lecture 6 - mixed effects - LDSC

2022-04-13 Haky Im
𝕙ttps:// Read more →

Lecture 5 - Population Structure - PCA

2022-04-11 Haky Im
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Lecture 4 - Multiple Testing

2022-04-06 Haky Im
𝔽ind the slides here […] See the vignette here […] Storey, John D., and Robert Tibshirani. 2003. “Statistical Significance for Genomewide Studies.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (16): 9440–45. Read more →

Multiple Testing 2022

2022-04-06 Haky Im
𝕩kcd image for significance […] We start defining some parameters for the simulations. The need for these will become obvious later. ## set seed to make simulations reproducible ## set.seed(20210108) ## let's start with some parameter definitions nsamp = 100 beta = 2 h2 = 0.1 sig2X = h2 … Read more →

Lecture 3 - GWAS cancer risk, QC, UKBiobank

2022-04-04 Haky Im
𝔻ownload powerpoint from here […] Sud, A., Kinnersley, B. & Houlston, R. Genome-wide association studies of cancer: current insights and future perspectives. Nat Rev Cancer 17, 692–704 (2017). … Read more →