Below is a full list of posts and pages on this website ordered by date.
- 2022/04/25 Lecture 9 - Mendelian Randomization
- 2022/04/21 PRSice and the Personal Genome Project
- 2022/04/20 Lecture 8 - Functional Genomics to Inform GWAS
- 2022/04/20 GWAS catalog analysis 2022
- 2022/04/18 Lecture 7 - Predicting Complex Diseases - PRS
- 2022/04/15 Homework 3
- 2022/04/13 Calculate Z-score, P-value, Chi2 stat from GWAS
- 2022/04/13 Lecture 6 - mixed effects - LDSC
- 2022/04/13 Lab_2_Plink_and_QC
- 2022/04/11 Lecture 5 - Population Structure - PCA
- 2022/04/06 Multiple Testing 2022
- 2022/04/06 Lecture 4 - Multiple Testing
- 2022/04/04 Lecture 3 - GWAS cancer risk, QC, UKBiobank
- 2022/03/30 Lecture 2 - GWAS of Cancer Risk
- 2022/03/18 2022 - Lab 1 - Intro to linux and R
- 2021/04/30 Quantitative Genomic Training
- 2021/04/26 Lecture 9
- 2021/04/23 GWAS Summary Statistics
- 2021/04/23 Lab Polygenic Risk Scores
- 2021/04/21 Personal Genomes Project Data
- 2021/04/16 S-PrediXcan
- 2021/04/16 Lab GCTA
- 2021/04/16 TensorQTL
- 2021/04/16 LD Score Regression
- 2021/04/16 Lab 3 - PCA - GCTA
- 2021/04/15 Homework LDSC regression
- 2021/04/13 Lecture 6
- 2021/04/12 Lecture 5
- 2021/04/12 Assigned Homework
- 2021/04/09 Plink Tutorial
- 2021/04/09 Lab 2 GWAS in Practice
- 2021/04/07 Multiple Testing
- 2021/04/06 Lecture 4 - Multiple Testing
- 2021/04/05 Lab HGEN47100 Plink
- 2021/04/05 Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium
- 2021/04/03 Lecture 3
- 2021/04/02 Lab Week 1
- 2021/04/02 HGEN47100 Lab 1
- 2021/04/01 Logistic Regression
- 2021/04/01 Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- 2021/04/01 Winner's curse
- 2021/03/30 Lecture 2 - GWAS of cancer risk
- 2021/03/30 Genotype Imputation
- 2021/02/18 L3-Bonferroni
- 2021/02/18 L1-female-birth-rate
- 2021/02/18 L1-miscel
- 2021/02/18 L1-theta-male
- 2021/02/18 L8-LD-score
- 2021/02/18 L3-Crohns-Additive
- 2021/02/18 L4-power
- 2021/02/18 L6-download-data
- 2021/02/18 L6-population-structure
- 2021/02/12 Homework 5
- 2021/02/11 Mixed Effects Model to Handle Population Structure
- 2021/01/24 GWAS Power Calculation
- 2021/01/22 Homework Problem Set 1 - Winter 2021
- 2021/01/22 Recommended reading
- 2021/01/21 Hypothesis Testing
- 2021/01/12 Lab 1
- 2020/07/08 R Markdown
- 2020/07/05 R Basics
- 2020/07/02 Command Line Basics
- 2020/02/06 L8 GRM shows population structure
- 2020/01/06 L1 Binomial Parameter Posterior